Lake Country Bed Barn is looking for Vendors, Crafter's and new this year, Farmer's Market Vendors for their 5th annual Sidewalk Sale. Each vendor can reserve a 10 ft x 10 ft space for $25. If you are a Farmer's Market Vendor you will have space in which you can park as well.
New Features this Year:
*Farmer's Market Vendors
*Food Vendors accepted
*Road Closures to accommodate more vendors
Vendors can either register online or print off an Agreement to mail or drop off in person to the address below! A PDF copy of the agreement (please no pictures) can also be emailed to epmiller104@gmail.com.
Payment is accepted in Cash, Check (to Lake Country Bed Barn) or via Paypal.
Contact Information:
Lake Country Bed Barn
Attn: Sidewalk Sale
122 Cottonwood Ave, Ste 2
Hartland, WI 53029
Call, Elise, with questions at 262-349-0034 or stop in at Lake Country Bed Barn, Hartland location.
Online registration: https://goo.gl/forms/hQrsUNCR1ae6Nqbi1
Paypal link: https://www.paypal.me/lakecountrybedbarn/25
PDF of agreement: Vendor Sidewalk Sale Agreement 2018
Current Vendor List as of 6/26/18 at 8:57 pm:
Carpenter n Crafts
Chalk Couture
Charmed by Teagan
Colleen's Creations
Color Street (Polished by Janel)
Crafty crochet
Dazzling Designs by Tracy, LLC
Hush Little Lanie: A Baby Boutique
Ice Chips Queen
Jay J's Kountry Kettle Korn
JKL Crafts
KEEP Collective
Lindsey’s Letters
Little Warrior Kid's Yoga
LuLaRoe Lauren and Holly
Mary Kay
Monat Luxury Hair Products
Olivia Glynn Arts
Owlways Simple LLC
Paparazzi Accessories
Pewaukee Fred Astaire Dance Studio
Small Towne Design Co.
Smooch Lip Balm and Slime
Tastefully Simple
Tessa's Lip Peeps
The Legging Shop/Legging Army
Thirty-one Gifts
Trades of Hope
Usborne Books & More
Young Living Independent Distributor