We at Lake Country Bed Barn want you to wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. We have partnered up with our friend, Erin (Facebook group link), who is a Young Living Essential Oils Independent Distributor, to learn more about how we can use Essential Oils for sleep. We are offering two promotions to help you take advantage of Essential Oils and getting a new mattress.
Buy a new mattress from LCBB and get $25 to spend on Young Living Essential Oils through Erin
Buy Young Living Essential Oils through Erin get $50 in Bed Barn Bucks to spend at a later time
Stay tuned to learn how to:
Make a relaxing and soothing body butter
Make a calming linen spray
In this video, Erin shows us how to use a diffuser in the bedroom to help relax you for sleep:
To use a diffuser you lift the lid, fill well with tap or mineral water, add 5-8 drops of the desired essential oil, put lid back on unit, and turn on diffuser. See instruction booklet for complete usage details on your specific diffuser. Below is a list of Essential Oils that are great to help promote sleep.
The suggested oils for sleep and relaxation:
Lavender: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/lavender-essential-oil

Cedarwood: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/cedarwood-essential-oil
Peace and Calming II: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/peace-calming-ii
SleepyIze: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/sleepyize-5ml
Dream Catcher: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/dream-catcher-essential-oil
Links to buy a kit: https://www.youngliving.com/signup/?isoCountryCode=US&sponsorid=2689473&enrollerid=2689473